Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Challenge: From Pam's Perspective

Totally excited for this challenge! When Mike suggested to me that this was something we should do this summer I jumped up and said immediately that I thought it was a great idea. Later on, I started thinking about what ‘eating local’ really meant. Every time I went to the grocery store I would analyze the food that I was buying, hoping that some of my favorite guilty pleasures were at least made in Washington. No such luck of course! This was going to be a tough one, but rewarding in so many ways.

Eating more fresh and local food is something that I have always thought about doing, but never pushed myself to try. Part of my interest in the idea began with my obsession with Top Chef and other food shows on television. In the recent past, these shows have become more and more focused on sustainable, local and in season products and produce to include in their meal preparation. Some of the challenges that they were presented with were based solely around those ideas. This got me thinking; I bet I could do that too!

I love to cook! Part of the joy of living on my own is getting to experiment with new and different foods that I was not introduced to during my childhood, or that my ridiculously limited pallet made me refuse to try. With a limited food budget, it made me really push the items that I bought to new levels, creating new dishes and flavors that I would not have created otherwise. Hearing names of products that I have never even tasted just increased my interest in broadening my food knowledge.
For me, the big fun part of this challenge will be the extreme expansion of my food knowledge and cooking skills. We will be receiving a box of vegetables every week and I will not only be able to taste and learn about the new produce, but also figure out how to incorporate it into my meals for the week. Sometimes, this will mean throwing a random mix of things into a skillet or a pot and seeing what results.
I feel the largest challenge will be baking. Using substitutions for things like sugar that are near impossible to find from Washington. I plan to learn all about how to use things like honey (which is very easily found at Farmers Markets all over Washington) in place of sweeteners and the local flour that I have been lucky enough to find. However, we will see what I can do with a lack of chocolate other than a few companies who produce it locally in candy bar form. Don’t worry though, I have found amazing local ice cream for a treat those hot summer days!

Local economy is important to me as well. I understand the need for us to support our local farms and businesses in order to be provided with the services and foods we have all grown to know and love in the future. As someone who has looked into growing my own personal business, I feel a pull toward being mindful of ‘keeping it in the family’ so to speak. What I have read about how far some of our food travels before it reaches us really makes me feel uneasy about what processes it has been through and where it really came from. To support small and local farms can only help toward a more sustainable future for us all, and I am glad to be a part of that for the summer.
Thankfully, I have a weak spot for spending the day wandering around the Farmers Markets enjoying not only the food, but the atmosphere of being out and about with local farmers and artisans. I plan to frequent the markets in my area many times a week to do my shopping and browsing, looking for what new produce has become available that week and what other local companies I can try products from.

One of the easier challenges to take on, because it isn’t really that much of a challenge, will be what to drink. Local beers and wines in Washington are easy to come by and something that I already enjoy supporting. Continuing to support local breweries and wineries will be my pleasure!

So, what will come of this for me? Well, in the week leading up to and start of this challenge, I have begun to figure out ways to use local products and home cooking to create some of my favorite foods and recipes. Some of these things I am already experimenting with are my beloved Sweet Potato Chips and the Cupcakes that I always make for events. I will be posting my findings about creating these favorites, along with my many other recipe findings, as we head forward through the summer.
Enjoy! I know we will!
Eat locally all summer? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! :-)

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